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Thursday, 8 July 2010

Mabon What Does It Mean

Mabon What Does It Mean Cover
Mabon is very much like Thanksgiving. Most of the crops have been reaped and abundance is more noticeable than ever! Mabon is the time when we reap the fruits of our labor and lessons, both crops and experiences. It is a time of joy, to celebrate that which is passing (for why should we mourn the beauty of the year or dwindling sunlight?), looking joyously at the experience the year has shared with us. And it is a time to gaze into the bright future. We are reminded once again of the cyclic universe; endings are merely new beginnings.

Since it is the time of dying sun, effort is also made to celebrate the dead with joyous remembrance. It is considered taboo to pass a burial site and not honor the dead. Natural energies are aligned towards protection, wealth, prosperity, security, and boosting self-confidence. Any spells or rituals centered around balance and harmony are appropriate.

From: Magickal Winds

Books in PDF format to read:

George Lyman Kittredge - Notes On Witchcraft Ocr Version
Troth Aor - Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite
Aleister Crowley - Book 4 Part I Meditation

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