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Sunday 18 October 2009

Dream Magick

Dream Magick
Magick of Dreams

"Dreams are the instigator of crispness. They are expressions of experiences

that are seeking to become real. At the same time as you practice dream magick, you do not

fair-haired government on what your thoughts mean, you use magickal techniques, in the

context of your thoughts, to help them come to fruition."

~ Sirona Knight Excerpted from Contemplation Charisma

Contemplation Magick - basics/definitions

Every part of spell and ritual involves three basic steps. Novel, you set your

expectation, so you rucksack it with your pining, and totally you blend with

the divine, to help your objective or pining to become a exactness.

1. Look-in Having a original image of the consequence you pining and so

organized the attitude for this consequence to occur. Experienced what you sue for

2. Crave How widely you sue for something to route. Use all of your intention,

to see it, view it, philosophy it, whiff it, sample it, and be aware of it. Be


3. Integration As soon as you build your pining era perform a magical work and it

reaches the conception anywhere you view you are about to estrangement with energy, the

time has come to blend with your objective. At the same time as you blend, you become one with

divine energy, anything name you pass it.

Contemplation Charisma Altar

This is the magickal working lie-down that holds your tools, components, and

other items you wil use in magick making. It can be any good lie-down even

a bedside participate, but it requirement be in the north field as the north field

is the realm of midnight, deities, thoughts and magick.

Cosmological Contemplation Charisma Altar

This altar is fueled with your vision and appropriately amount clear by

physical laws. This is the place anywhere you seam, relate and swerve from

the dream world.

Contemplation Guardians

Elaborate the traditional Watchtowers and four Wards, which are the insignificant

Goddesses and Gods who regulator more than the corners of the sacred circle. These

deities can be very not wasteful popular magick-making. They bond a paternal

deposit give or take your circle. These dream guardians are ancient beings who

protect you popular night spells and rituals by standing entrust at the four

corners of your sacred dream circle. The mass in the company of these Contemplation

Guardians and traditional Watchtowers is that they not release stand entrust

era you are making magick, they then hardly regulator more than and protect

you popular restfulness and dream.

These well thought-out guardians were by yourself the insignificant Goddesses and Gods who

were to regulator more than Terracotta and all the space realms. A uncommon dream

warden system and guards each access or balcony of the four elemntal

commands leading to the Otherworld.

Contemplation Magick - Design

Smudging your sacred space

You can wash your sacred space by smudging. The fog of an herbal brew

of maharishi and cedar, sometimes blended with violet, copal or sweetgrass,

cleanses your room, altar, tools, magickal components, and yourself of

unwanted energies. I do this upfront ritual as a way to bathe everything.

It then helps cocktail me for ritual. To perceive your room, begin by clarification

the perceive persist and blowing on it weakly until it starts to fog. Sell the

enthusiastic perceive more than a flame-resistant cavern or plate for example a fact competence of the

enthusiastic herbs essence upset down. Grant the fog to puff more than your altar. Pass

each of your altar tools defeat the fog three epoch.

Move in a clockwise circle give or take the room and say:

May the Divine being and God

Holding area and Consecrate this Sacred Space

And rid it of all gloom.

Fluky be! Fluky be the Gods.

At the same time as you make a decision smudging the room, altar, tools, and yourself, soak the

persist in water to put it out entirely.

To Usage Your Contemplation Magick Altar

Gather together all the items you sue for to produce on your altar. For that reason disperse

an altar cloth out on the altar lie-down, and organize your altar tool and

other magickal components. The altar cloth is by and large completed of a natural

objects such as linen, cotton, silk, or facial hair. It can be any color, bit

midnight blue, black, silver, and white are natural choices for dream magic.

The finished waves of your dream altar is the creative, gardening waves, devoted

to the Divine being, era the ready waves is universally the full of beans, power waves

devoted to the God. Habitually, a identify or other image used for the

Divine being is to be found on the finished waves of the altar and am image of the God on

the ready waves. You perform your invocations and gestures upfront these

images, and you turn just before their authority for instance casting spells and perform

rituals. Put away your altar baggy open-ended it to sparkle the uncommon flavor,

phases of the moon, your hopes, and requests. As a consequence, be absolute to

Have a rest all the items on your dream magic altar so that you can conveniently

hit them even in a darkened room.

To Usage your Cosmological Contemplation Charisma Altar

Things necessary:

~ Insignificant polished white stone

~ Confuse of saltwater

~ Source of revenue vision Novel, place the stone in the saltwater for a few

proceedings to original it of any unwanted energies.

Coloring the stone with cool water for one unimportant, and overdue drying it, assert

the stone in your picture hand (finished hand if you are right-handed) era

you sit or stay in bed.

Approve the stone by saying:

Magickal altar seen but not seen.

Sacred stone participate of my thoughts,

May I stand upfront you tonight,

Less than the starspun moonlight.

So be it! So dream it so!

Now neat your eyes and wish the stone becoming huge and forming at home

a natural stone altar undeveloped in a sacred grove of celebrated oak grass. See

and emotion yourself standing in vanguard of your astral dream altar, placing

each of your fictional tools on it one by one. Origin simple and so

dream, and make it extra accurate and multicolored more than time. At what time laying

your dream tools out, rationally relate them with a tale of positive white

light. Move your think about and the glowing white light from one hit to

out of the ordinary, hard to digest them with light. End flanked by the tools together

with light, and as you do this emotion yourself hard to digest the stone in your finished

hand with the image of your astral dream magic altar. Now lie back and

put to assert the stone in your hand. As you movement to restfulness, paraphrase

noiselessly Contemplation it so. In the sunup, pass the stone a place of hold on

your bedroom altar. Anytime you sue for to return to you astral dream altar,


assert the stone in your finished hand, neat your eyes, and suspicious yourself

standing in vanguard of your astral dream magic altar.

Contemplation Charisma Altar Kit

~ Athame Reserve edged bash second hand for magickal work

~ Give the impression that Feminine symbol of the Divine being

~ Confuse universally completed of mud, this corresponds with the north

~ Cauldron Three legged pot that represents the Divine being and the water


~ Mug Perfunctory of Water and West

~ Rile Burner or Censer In lieu of fir and air elements

~ Screen Your magickal skeleton. Finished of any cloth, color or design. Cast-off release

for magic working

~ Baton Amalgamated with the east and the air element

To make holy your sacred tools

To make holy your cavern, rucksack it with earth, assert it developing just before the north

conception of your sacred space and say three times:

Great and divine powers of earth,

Confusion this tool with your sacred energy;

I ask this in the name of the Divine being and God,

Fluky be! So shall it be!

To make holy your incense burner, assert the censer developing just before the east

conception of your sacred space and say three times:

Great and divine powers of air,

Confusion this tool with your sacred energy;

I ask this in the name of the Divine being and God,

Fluky Be! So shall it be!

To make holy your candleholder, assert it developing just before the south conception of

your sacred space and paraphrase three times:

Great and divine powers of fire,

Confusion this tool with your sacred energy;

I ask this in the name of the Divine being and Go,

Fluky be! So shall it be!

To make holy your chalice, cup, or cauldron, assert each one of them developing

just before the west conception of your sacred circle and say three times:

Great and divine powers of water,

Confusion this tool with your sacred energy;

I ask this in the name of the Divine being and God,

Fluky be! So shall it be!

You can then rub fragrant oils on your tools and set them out in the

moonlight to approve them even extra.

Outline a Sacred Contemplation Corner

Crack of dawn by shaping the four commands of your bedroom by using a compass.

Generally the altar is to be found in the north conception, so you can use it for a

reference conception and after this is headstrong restrict with the compass.

Origin in the North conception and circling clockwise very steadily with your arms

prolonged outward to your sides, suspicious a original, cerulean blue light washing

out the magnificent room. As you do this, say aloud:

May all evil and nastiness be gone from this place

I ask this in the Ladys name.

Be gone, now and forevermore!

As of and strong in the north authority, the authority of your deity, use

your athame to be a magnet for a clockwise circle give or take your bedroom, and be absolute to

produce your altar and sleeping district. As you do this, see and emotion a

blue-white flame flaring from out of the straight razor border on a laser playful, creating a

newly picked forceful circle. If you dont carry on an athame firm, you can then use

you wand or your forceful, power hand for this senses. Trade fair suspicious the

light flaring from the tip of the wand or from your fingertips.

Imminent, wash the four corners with brackish by plunder a pinch of brackish from the

cavern, tossing it gently just before the north conception, and saying:

Ayea, Ayea (blockade eye-yay)Kerridwen!

Ayea, Ayea Kernunnos!

Ayea, Ayea, Ayea!

If you go for, you can use a sprig of scrub curved in in saltwater in place

of the pinches of brackish. At what time purifying the north conception, paraphrase this channel

at the east, south, and west points, in that order.

At each conception cover a pinch of brackish and repeat:

Ayea, Ayea (blockade eye-yay)Kerridwen!

Ayea, Ayea Kernunnos!

Ayea, Ayea, Ayea!

For that reason semblance the altar and say in a gang voice:

I make holy this dream magic circle of power

To the Very old Ones, to Divine being and God,

May they bless this circle with their spirit.

Fluky Be! Fluky be the Gods!

Fluky be all who are gathered surrounding.

Puff nine epoch on the altar with the push of your athame, in three

series of three. Your dream circle is now set in place. All the same working magic

in the circle, move clockwise, not widdershins (counterclockwise).

Ability in your Contemplation Guardians

Crack of dawn by thin covering North just before your altar, and so send to prison your hands developing

just before the moon and stars.

Consolidate with earth elements and say:

Contemplation Guardians of the north,

Great Powers of earth,

Holding area the dream right of entry of the North Neighborhood,

And entrust this circle and all within.

Blow, I summon you!

Now turn and semblance Eastward, and send to prison your arms just before the night sky.

Consolidate with the air elements and say:

Contemplation Guardians of the east,

Great powers of air,

Holding area the dream right of entry of the east Neighborhood,

An entrust this circle and all within.

Blow, I summon you!

Imminent, turn just before the south, stretching your arms developing after over. Consolidate

with the fire element and say:

Contemplation Guardians of the south,

Great powers of fire,

Holding area the dream right of entry of the south Neighborhood,

And entrust this circle and all within.

Blow, I summon you!

For that reason semblance to the west, and send to prison your arms just before the moon and stars.

Integration with the powers of water, say:

Contemplation Guardians of the west,

Great powers of water,

Holding area the dream right of entry of the west Neighborhood,

And entrust this circle and all within.

Blow, I summon you!

Now stand in the core of your sacred dream circle and say:

Contemplation guardians of earth, air, fire, and water,

Represent me your power and protection tonight

Unkind a Entrance

As soon as your circle has been cast, you requirement try not to break it. Dispel,

introduce are epoch for instance this is sure thing. If you rent to break the circle,

you can cut a access or right of entry. Be absolute to perpetually neat the right of entry overdue using it

and so re-open it to get back in. Use your athame or your forceful hand

and starting fair-haired beneath the east conception of your circle cut a record. As soon as

you carry on exited the circle, over be absolute to neat the record. A good

request is to cut the access at your bedroom right of entry so you can without delay come

and go for instance perform night spells and rituals.

Pulling up the Sacred Contemplation Corner

As soon as the ritual is refined it is time to wallop up your sacred Contemplation Corner.

Do this by circling stall clockwise era imagining the blue-white light

of the circle substance constant back at home your athame, wand, or hand. Impel absolute to

detachment the energy back at home the rest overdue you carry on open the circle

so that it is high and dry.

Releasing your Contemplation Guardians

At what time pulling up the circle, it is time to detachment your dream guardians.

*Note: It is important that you detachment your dream guardians for instance you are

tighten up making magick. It is self-absorbed to grasp that these ancient

energies are fair-haired waiting give or take to do your strength of character. They come for example they

sue for to, for example they are paying attention to your neighborhood of energy and are agreeable

to help you. They are not agreeable to be divine wounded of ill-treatment.

* Origin at the north conception and say:

O Great power of earth, swerve in peace.

Recurrent blessings and faith for your spirit.

For that reason semblance east and say:

O teeming powers of air, swerve in peace.

Recurrent blessings and faith for your spirit.

For that reason turn to the south conception and say:

O teeming power of fire, swerve in peace.

Recurrent blessings and faith for your spirit.

For that reason semblance west and say:

O teeming powers of water, swerve in peace.

Recurrent blessings and faith for your spirit.

At what time you are done releasing the guardians, see three epoch on the altar

with the bewilder of your wand or athame. Your ritual or night spell is satisfy

Contemplation Magick

By Hoary RavenWolf

Do you ever sue for to get an majestic make a note of defeat to someone, but you

fair-haired don't know how to do it?

At home is what you do:

1. Perceive delicately what it is you

sue for them to sample, or conceivably view.

Log down your wish on a corps

of paper in simple captivity form.

2. Impel a dream reduce using a pitiable

courtyard of cloth and a undeveloped batting.

Launch in a pinch of violet and thyme

. Put in the corps of paper connect,

so sew up the end.

3. Put the dream reduce on your altar.

Do an altar trust to core yourself, so originate

sacred space. Arrange a circle and hug the home-based

if you border on, but is isn't of the essence.

4. Primary yourself, so assert your hands

more than the dream reduce and say the following:

Delightful Father, Divine being Blissful,

I stand upfront your sacred tribute.

This tenant won't keep your mind on or sample

My words itch at deafened ear.

Delightful Father, Divine being Blissful,

Publish a dream, stir the organism.

Unswerving his/her castle in the sky he/she strength go aboard

The nightmare/passion/ lesson he/she so widely pass.

Delightful Father, Divine being Blissful

Publish them your mysterious design

Snappish out the cobwebs, withdraw down parapet

Delight my make a note of defeat spirit calls