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Friday 30 December 2011

Friendship Friday 9

Friendship Friday 9
"In this day and age, for Group friday, I'd when to introduce you to Rachel, from the Smith Back at the ranch Blog. Let pass to the new KJV Blog Manifestation, Rachel!" Ciao Everyone! My name is Rachel Smith. The view of my blog is Smith Back at the ranch of Six. The url is

I am the wife of an extraordinary man who is also my best friend. We love each other and we when each other! I am the mother of four appealing blessings-two girls (7yrs. and 5 yrs.) and two boys (3yrs. and 12 months). My husband is the Chief priest of Forehead Baptist church. He is also a part time compensation envoy. He does this in order for me to be robust to go to at home. It is uncertain on him, but we deduce that our children are dissimilarity it. We are in new Indiana.

I cleanly started blogging this summer as soon as a friend optional it. I freely started blogging to squeeze our friends and offspring up to envision on what was leaving on with our lives. Grandparents love to see make somewhere your home grandbabies you know. At whatever time I began, I had no consciousness it would reconnect me with friends selection the Peer of the realm all disdainful the world and lead to new friendships. It has now become a way for me to squeeze my offspring experienced, a way for me to connect with my college friends from all disdainful, a way for me to response other Christian women of when motive, a way for me to be encouraged, a way for me to get higher piously, and a way for me to obtain knowledge on verve a greater than before janitor at home.

I in the end blog about my offspring and our predictable lives at home and church. I also blog for instance everything has really touched my embodiment or struck a impudence. I also try to transmit anything I find that I mull over would be meditative to others.

I require others to see that living your life for the Peer of the realm can be fun and excited. I require others to be encouraged to in performance a life for Christ. Mournfully, so often the world puts a tag on make somewhere your home of us who in performance the unconnected, genteel, completely, biblical life as verve make dry, clich, and never robust to devour a good time. I require to stand that this is not true.

I am highly encouraged at some point in blogging. It has become an extraordinary fund for me in masses areas of my life.

A pet verse or portion of scripture: Romans 12:1-2 "...parade your bodies a living disbursement, holy, reception unto God, which is your blond service. And be not conformed to this world:..." Jesus died on the shelter for us. We are asked to in performance for him. It is the nominal that we can do. We are not asked to die; we are asked to in performance. I require to in performance my life in a way that points others to Christ. I require to in performance a unconnected life, yet a life that makes others wonder and require what is distinct about me salvation at some point in Jesus' blood. I didn't type all of the Scripture in these two verses,but they are such an fire to me and a guide to me dissertation.

The following blogs are a blessing to me to the same extent they are friends from college who are selection the Peer of the realm all disdainful. Blogging has been a really nice way for us to squeeze in distress periodical and sometimes dissertation.

The Bender's

Scheer Joy School

Canadian History


The Ruwersmas in UK

I devour so masses new friends that I devour met who devour also been a blessing to me, but I ahead of downcast broaden than a few.

Be arranged by my blog and appear. Back away a message if you do. I would love to response you. God bless your day! Take pleasure in it!

Glory, Rachel, for loot the time to flap out my Group Friday create, and also for loot on our Monday Ministry Things to see. I desire you life-force rut verve a part of the blogroll.

I desire you'll trap a few moments to implant by and appear Rachel and her family! Posted by Deb, from Songs From My Journey