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Monday 27 September 2010

Magical Herbalism The Secret Craft Of The Wise

Magical Herbalism The Secret Craft Of The Wise Cover

Book: Magical Herbalism The Secret Craft Of The Wise by Scott Cunningham

Natural magic utilizes the world around us for magical purposes. Herbs are one of the most important tools for natural magic, and the best introduction to this system is found in Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism.

This book presents a complete system of magic using herbs. You will learn the theory of magic and the tools you'll need. Then you'll get countless techniques for using herbs for magic. Need a protection method? "Pick several protective herbs and bind the stems together with red thread, then hang them up. This practice dates back to Babylonian times." You'll find a list of over 115 herbs that details their magical powers, so you can easily find which ones are protective in nature.

Complete system of magic that is as easy as it is powerful. It begins with theory and what you need to do to prepare for works of magic. Then it tells you how to harvest, dry, and store the magical herbs. This is followed by information on how to use the herbs you have obtained for such things as getting love, doing divinations, casting protection spells, and healing yourself and others. You'll also learn how to make magical fluid condensers, incenses, perfumes, scented oils, and amulets. The book continues with a listing of over 115 major magical herbs with all of their qualities listed. And there is much, much more, too. The phrase "complete system" really doesn't express how full of information this book really is.
Another reason I think this book has become a classic has to do with Scott's style of writing. It is very gentle and kind. He never talks at you or down to you. Rather, he seems to be talking with you. This makes the book a pleasure and a treasure to read and enjoy.

How about a divination using herbs? "Get a small quantity of dried patchouly, mugwort, or wormwood. Crumble the herb between your hands until it is finely diminished. Next, pour it into a small square pan (glass or ceramic). Light yellow candles and place the pan on your working area. Close your eyes, extend the index finger of your weak hand, and gently touch the center of the pan with its tip. Move it at random in the pan, shifting from one direction to another ... Now, remove your finger, open your eyes, and interpret the symbols you have just written in the herb."
All of the techniques, rituals, spells, talismans, healing methods, and charms are this easy. And most importantly, they work! You'll also find how to make and use incenses, scented oils, perfumes, fluid condensers, and so much more.

This combination of style and depth of content makes Magical Herbalism one of the finest and most important resources you can have. If you are looking to expand your knowledge of herbs, this book is for you. If you are looking to expand your knowledge of folklore, you need this book. And if you are looking to work with the gracious gifts of Mother Nature that can be used to improve your life and the lives of those around you, this book is a must.

Both novice and veteran will find something of interest within its covers with extensive information in an easy-to-read format. You can learn how to make amulets, potions, incenses, oils, sachets, simples, infusions and a garden to be used for magical spells and rituals geared to a variety of purposes. This book is a treasure.

Buy Scott Cunningham's book: Magical Herbalism The Secret Craft Of The Wise

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