In time, as the people evolved, so did their life style and beliefs. People no longer felt the need to pray to the sun or the sea, and instead embraced gods which resembled, to some degree, our own anatomical construction. However, isolated tribes are still known for practicing totem worshiping and there are even cults raised into civilization which believe in the power of nature and natural elements rather than humanoid deities.
Wicca is probably one of the most intriguing religions known to exist in modern society. It is a neo-pagan religion to its core and a form of witchcraft, at the same time.
Wicca appeared somewhere in the first half of the 20th century and it is seen, by adepts of conservatory religions, as a disguised form of devil worshipping and black magic. This point of view is largely discredited by the members of the wiccan religion, whose claims regarding the theology of Wicca vary from one geo-social environment to another.
While some believe in the existence of a goddess and a god, others firmly believe that the wiccan deity is in fact one single person with complementary attitudes, which manifests in both male and female forms. At the same time, there are a growing number of atheist members of the wiccan cult who see the wiccan deities as philosophical examples of the human condition and try to adapt their life styles as such.
The variety of wiccan practices and beliefs are numerous, and differ from one region to another. This aspect of Wicca makes it a religion that is easy to embrace by anyone looking for answers in the spiritual world.
However, perhaps the most interesting aspect of the wiccan religion is the one concerning the views of wiccans upon the afterlife. Unlike other religions that see death as the transcendence from a physical life form to a non-physical existence, Wicca adepts believe that the human soul goes through a series of reincarnations. This happens in order to learn valuable lessons regarding the human condition and the universe, therefore evolving. While some wiccans believe that a human person who dies will reincarnate as another human person, others claim that reincarnation is only possible from one specie to another.
A different view point would be that only those who were true wiccans -or witches or wizards- will reincarnate and that will happen in the shape of other witches and wizards.
Whichever the truth might be behind our human condition, one thing is for sure: ever since the early 1950s Wicca has captivated thousands of people all over the world, winning over 750,000 adepts in the U.S. alone.
Books in PDF format to read:
Anonymous - Pagan GermanyAl Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Bath Spells
Tags: wicca spell magic spells for beginners candle magic color meanings the witches tarot christian wicca black magic and witchcraft ritual magic manual candle magic spells