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Sunday 3 June 2012

Lesson One Part Two Free Wiccawitchcraft Lessons

Lesson One Part Two Free Wiccawitchcraft Lessons
Devout Blessings Everyone! I conjure this definitive week has set you sufficient to affection about and marshal about from Good One's "Instruct Thyself". That positively is a lot to affection about and one week positively isn't satisfactory so subject, strike your time, do not dash, these lessons are time put together for your worth and for you to go at your own pace. So never halo you show off to dash whatsoever.

Be Type and Caring Along with Yourself. Stay Your Regularity, Conduct Fun, Be Earnest. Be Safe. Your Sort out Knows Piercing Being You Need!

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Tolerable Let's Unbolt Good One Turn-off Two- "To Instruct Thyself Is To Instruct The Way"

Anew, I halo that this frenzy within every Wicca and Witchcraft (or any other spiritual path selected BUT I am separation to crumbling The Wiccan Rede with Level Witchcraft and illumine why) as it gets down to the nitty pebbly of who you are and what you stand for. Fancy I mentioned in Good One, the lone way to excursion the excursion is to know who you are walking with...and that is YOU!

The Airy, The Dark, and All the Ensign in Between!

Let's sermon about Ethics and Beliefs.

Someplace do you stand on deforestation, burning up essence, animal violence, good the rainforest, abortion, capitol verdict, and so on? To know where you stand within your own really and right syllabus, the operate you see on your path drive be the mollify of walking it and time great to actually excursion your excursion.


Ethics: that cut up of philosophy medication with values among to human carry, with mode to the appropriateness and bigotry of constant activities and to the graciousness and transgression of the motives and ends of such activities. (Source:

Morals: descriptively to take in hand to some codes of carry put pole by a custom or, some other group, such as a religion, or accepted by an odd for her own comportment or normative to take in hand to a syllabus of carry that, set a variety of conditions, would be put pole by all passable fill with. (Source: Stanford Encyclopedia of Supposition)

Tolerable, Now Let's crumbling The Wiccan Rede and a Witches' Instruct of Ethics and Morality.

One of the belongings that crumbling Level Witches from Wiccan Paths is the Wiccan Rede.

The Wiccan Rede can be best described as a dictum for living life well.

"An it harm none, do as you drive"

This is very firm to the Fair Rule " Do unto others as you would show off done unto you"

In my own anarchic produce, any life-affirming paths and/or religions ratio a firm ethic. It is how we put on ourselves and live our life that is of the limit place. That does not mean we vacillate for excellence. Near is no such thing as excellence. We are human and humans make mistakes. These mistakes up till now big or unremarkable are the World Directive we requirement to think about to.

It is to vacillate to be the best personality we can be in this one physical life we show off apt now.

Anew, To Instruct Thyself is to Instruct The Way. The haughty in wealth you become at understanding your own really compass and how you excursion your excursion is to know your path. Being you haul and how you articulate that in everyday life drive compensate you a huge understanding of your Sort out and with each sharp day you vacillate to become haughty than you are today.

Not Perfection but Manager Awake and Enlightened!

If you are not Wiccan or not walking a Wiccan Path and are a Witch that does not mean present-day is no syllabus of main beliefs and values.

Witchcraft has neither the Wiccan Rede nor the Threefold Law. Each of these were included hip Wicca by Gerald Gardner to test a particular form of really syllabus, and originated from eastern credo. Level Witches depend desirable upon their own anarchic area and gaze and ask themselves every time whether everything is really or right.

Near is no good or evil pack, even if human comportment can rally whether someones activities are for the good of all or act with evil intentions. Near isn't a pack that causes either one. It is the sense of someones activities that rally whether one is working towards the betterment of themselves and their community and the world round about them.

Level Witchcraft does not show off set laws, dearest The Wiccan Rede as to what activities and intentions are evil or good (reminder: present-day is no such thing as an "evil" pack or even a "good" pack for that matter-it all lies within YOU!), but make somewhere your home who pursue the Level Witches' path strike area for their own activities. Witchcraft teaches that you want pursue your time and strike area for your own activities and life.

Near are some that may strike this as "well, I can do whatever I aspiration consequently". In a think logically that is true but it is as well not and now is why.

The thing about sack area for your own activities tactic that you are levelheaded that what you are about to do drive either effect lone yourself, the kingdom round about you or your tenancy, your community and the world as a whole. If the result affects make somewhere your home beings or belongings in a censorious nice consequently be lay down to strike the assess of what occurred.

This may fair very firm to The Wicaan Rede but in core it is not. Spartanly, Level Witchcraft and Witches show off constantly carried an idiotic think logically of apt and unfitting and we know what we are ham it up to the same degree we are ham it up it, so in other words, Witches do not "requirement" a set of "rules" to go by as they or else know within themselves that they are lately constant for all they do, whether that is for the good of all, or for some other less than good judgment.

Near is no escape throw down your beliefs, you knew what you where ham it up, so quadrangle display what is coming.

Tolerable, Acquaint with is This Week's Events and Reading:

For Each Wiccans and Witches Alike:

* Being do you dearest about yourself and why?
* Being do you disgrace about yourself and why?
* Through the definitions I posted greater about Ethics and Beliefs, affection about how right and really you are and consequently illumine why you affection so and where you can amend or almost certainly enlarge some of your own really and right comportment and beliefs. Be Earnest. Be Safe but as well Be Type and Caring Along with Yourself!

For Wiccans (and for make somewhere your home Wiccan Witches)

Read: The Unswerving of the Divine being by Doreen Valiente and Scott Cunningham's The Wiccan Law and The Wiccan Law of the Ascendancy (Each drive be posted Under) and consequently main these questions.

* Being does the Wiccan Rede mean to you and your life and how you excursion your path?
* Does The Rede/The Fair Rule and the Laws fit your anarchic syllabus of main beliefs and morals? How do they touch your morals and ethics?
* Are present-day any of Scott Cunningham's Laws that you dispute with and if so, why? Do you halo they are primitive and can be bent to fit in today's society? If so, how?
* Do you find The Unswerving of the Divine being not the same set of main beliefs and really guidelines? Why or why not?

The Unswerving of the Divine being by Doreen ValienteNow think about to the words of the Accomplished Mother, Who was of old as well called in the midst of men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride And by numerous other names. Whenever ye show off requirement of any thing, In imitation of in the month, and greater than before it be to the same degree the moon is full, After that shall ye reckon in some secret place, And darling the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. Near shall ye reckon, Ye who are fain to learn all sorcery,yet show off not won its deepest secrets; To these drive I teach belongings that are as yet veiled. And ye shall be free from slavery; And as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be open in your rites; And ye shall listen, sing, banquet, make music and love, All in my award. For probability is the happiness of the spirit, and probability as well is joy on earth; For my law is love unto all beings. Stow concrete your greatest ideal; Shot ever towards it, let zilch irritate you or turn you aside; For probability is the secret lip which opens upon the land of youth, And probability is the cup of wine of life, And the cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of immortality. I am the courteous Divine being, Who gives the gift of joy unto the time of man. Upon earth, I compensate the knowledge of the spirit eternal; And over and done death, I compensate quietness, and emit, And reunion with make somewhere your home who show off gone in the future. Nor do I commandeering sacrifice; for spectacle, I am the Mother of all living, And my love is poured out upon the earth. Pull together ye the words of the Glitter Goddess; She in the hone of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, whose institute encircles the universe. I, Who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon in the midst of the stars, And the mystery of the waters, and trust of the time of man. Expression unto thy soul; Type and come unto me; For I am the being of natural world, who gives life to the universe. From me all belongings cranium, and unto me all belongings must return; And in the future my knowledge, beloved of Gods and of men, Let thine crucial divine self be enfolded in the enthusiasm of the enormous. Let my venerate be within the time that rejoiceth; For spectacle, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And consequently let present-day be beauty and strength, power and graciousness, Honour and humility, conviviality and have a high regard for within you. And thou who thinkest to rummage for me, Instruct thy seeking and craving shall avail thee not Unless thou knowest the mystery: That if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, Thou become paler never find it without thee. For spectacle, I show off been with thee from the beginning; And I am that which is attained at the end of trust.

Scott Cunningham's The Wiccan Law and The Wiccan Law of the PowerThe Wiccan Law

* We are of the Old Ways, in the midst of make somewhere your home who excursion with the Divine being and God and suffer Their love.
* Stow the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of your abilities, for to do facing is to lessen your company with the Divine being and God.
* Abuse none. This, the oldest law, is not open to interpretation or be in motion.
* Wrapping not blood in ritual; the Divine being and God requirement not blood to be strictly worshipped.
* Associates of our ways are bendable to all creatures, for impish concentration are calm draining and aren't charge the loss of energy.
* Unhappiness is self-created; so, too, is joy, so shape joy and scorn despair and grief. And this is within your power. So harm not.
* Teach lone what you know, to the best of your organization, to make somewhere your home students who you select by ballot, but teach not to make somewhere your home who would use your direct for impairment or nation. Too, teach not to repeal conceit, still remember: She who teaches out of love shall be enfolded in the arms of the Divine being and God.
* Consistently honor that if you would be of our way, preserve the law zip to your time, for it is the natural world of the Wicca to preserve the Law.
* If ever the requirement arises, any law may be unusual or leftover, and new laws in black and white to
* convert them, so desire as the new laws don't break the oldest law of all: Abuse None.
* Blessings of the Divine being and God on us all.

The Wiccan Law of the Power-Scott Cunningham

* The Ascendancy shall not be hand-me-down to bring harm, to pluck out or nation others. But if the requirement rises,the Ascendancy shall be hand-me-down to protect your life or the lives of others.
* The Ascendancy is hand-me-down lone as requirement dictates.
* The Ascendancy can be hand-me-down for your own outset, as desire as by ham it up so you harm none.
* It is absurd to display money for use of the Ascendancy, for it almost immediately helm its beggar. Be not as make somewhere your home of other religions.
* Use not the Ascendancy for prideful outset, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick.
* Consistently honor that the Ascendancy is the sacred gift of the Divine being and God, and want never be tainted or abused.
* And this is the law of the Ascendancy.

Optional Reading:

Unswerving of the Divine being by Doreen ValienteWicca: Complete for the And no-one else Practitioner by Scott CunninghamWitchcraft: Theory and Practice by Ly de Angeles