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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Pagan Spells Life Spells

Pagan Spells Life Spells Cover

Book: Pagan Spells Life Spells by Al Selden Leif

Many of these spells involve concepts commonly known and publicly discussed. Therefore they have become integrated into magical and spiritual culture. If I am unaware of the author or creator of a specific work, I have attributed it herein as "Anonymous". If you are aware that a certain work or spell archived here was previously published or is improperly credited, please contact me. I will either remove the entry or properly accredit the selection.

The sources of these spells are varied. Some are captured from Usenet. I have edited several of these entries for typographical errors. In many cases, I have extracted the ingredients or spell components and reformatted the work for ease of use. I have also provided links to products pages for those who want to order spell components.

Download Al Selden Leif's eBook: Pagan Spells Life Spells

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Anonymous - Pagan Stones And Gems
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Blessings Spells
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Mix Of Spells 2
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Life Spells

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

El Descenso De La Diosa

El Descenso De La Diosa
El tema de la muerte y de la resurrecci'on se encuentra en todas partes del mundo, simboliz'andose en su descenso al mundo subterr'aneo y su put a bet on regreso. Existen numerosas leyendas: el descenso y b'usqueda por Tanaz de Istar, la perdida de la cabellera dorada de Sif, la perdida de las manzanas doradas de Idunn, la muerte y resurrecci'on de Jes'us, por nombrar solamente unas cuantas. En esencia, todas estas leyendas representan la llegada del oto~no y el invierno y la esperanza de la pr'oxima primavera y verano. El protagonista es el esp'iritu de la vegetaci'on. Cito a continuaci'on, El Mito de la Diosa tal y como se encuentra en a) la Wicca de Gardner y b) la Wicca sajona.

Nunca hab'ia amado la Diosa pero estando resuelta a desvelar todos los misterios, incluso el misterio de la Muerte, viajo a las tierras subterr'aneas. Le Dijeron los guardianes de las puertas: "Desp'ojate de tu vestidura y de tus joyas pues nada puedes llevar a nuestra tierra". Quit'o la Diosa su ropa y joyas y fue atada como lo son todos los que entran en el Reino de la Muerte, el Todopoderoso. Sin proscribe, tan deslumbrante fue la belleza de la Diosa que la Muerte misma se arrodill'o ante ella y le beso los pies, diciendo: Benditos sean los pies que te han conducido hasta aqu'i. Qu'edate conmigo, d'ejame colocar mi mano fr'ia sobre tu coraz'on. Ella contesto: No te quiero. ?Por qu'e permites que se marchite y muera todo lo que amo? >> Dama, contesto la Muerte, opposite la Senectud y el Hado no tengo poder alguno. Es la Senectud que marchita todas las cosas pero cuando mueren los hombres yo les doy descanso, paz y fuerza para que puedan volver. Pero eres hermosa. No regreses, qu'edate conmigo. Pero ella se neg'o, diciendo: No te quiero.

Entonces dijo la Muerte: Si no permites reposar mi mano sobre tu coraz'on tendr'as que recibir el Azote de la Muerte. Es el Hado, mas vale as'i, dijo ella arrodill'andose, y la Muerte la castig'o y ella grit'o: "Siento las penas del amor". Dijo la Muerte, Bendito sea y le dio el Beso Qu'intuple, afirmando que as'i conozcas la alegr'ia y la sabidur'ia. Y le ense~n'o todos los misterios y se amaron, convirti'endose en uno y le mostr'o todas las artes m'agicas. Pues has de saber que hay tres grandes acontecimientos en la vida del hombre: el Amor, la Muerte y la Resurrecci'on dentro de un cuerpo nuevo y la magia los controla a todos. Y has de saber, que a fin de cumplirse el amor, es necesario volver otra vez mas, a la misma hora y al mismo lugar en que lo hace el ser amado, y deber'a recordar y amarle de nuevo. Pero para renacer tienes que morir y estar listo para un cuerpo nuevo, y para morir tienes que nacer y sin amor no puedes nacer. Y todo esto es la magia.

The Have a feeling of Witchcraft

Gerald B. Gardner

Despues de recrearse jugando todo el d'ia en el campo, Freya, la m'as Hermosa de las diosas se tumbo para descansar. Y mientras dorm'ia, el astuto Loki, el Juguet'on, el Sembrador de Discordia de los Dioses, vio brillar la Brosingamene, formada de Galdra su compa~nera constante. Silencioso como la noche se desliz'o Loki hacia el lado de la diosa y con dedos convertidos por las edades en la ligereza misma, quit'o de su cuello blanco como la nieve, la cadena de plata. Nada m'as sentir su p'erdida despertase Freya. Aunque Loki se movi'o con la velocidad del viento ella lo vio desaparecer dentro de la colina que conduce a Dreun. Entonces conoci'o Freya la desesperaci'on y descendi'o la noche para ocultar sus l'agrimas. Grande fue su angustia y la luz, la vida y todas las criaturas compartieron su dolor. Se enviaron a todas partes los Buscadores, mas ellos sab'ian que no encontrar'ian a Loki pues ?Qui'en desciende a Dreun y vuelve? 'Unicamente los dioses y Loki el Sembrador de la Discordia. As'i sucedi'o que todav'ia timetable por el dolor, Freya decidi'o hacer el descenso en busca de la Brosingamene. A las puertas de la Colina fue reconocida y la dejaron pasar. Se alegraron de su scene las almas all'i reunidas pero ella no se demor'o, buscando sin cesar su luz robada. El infame Loki no hab'ia dejado rastro, sin proscribe muchos lo hab'ian visto pasar. M'as aquellos con quienes habl'o Freya contaban que no portaba joya alguna. ?D'onde, estaba escondida? Al percatarse de la tristeza de las almas por el dolor de Freya se levant'o de su sueno Hearhden el poderoso herrero de los dioses. Con grandes pasos sali'o de su fragua para averiguar la causa de tanta pena y sobre la roca ante su puerta vio la cadena de plata, all'i por Loki el Sembrador de la Discordia depositada. M'as en el momento de coger Hearhden la cadena apareciese ante el, furia en su cara, Loki. Sin proscribe no se atrevi'o a atacar al poderoso Hearhden cuya fuerza era conocida por todos incluso mas all'a de Dreun. Con artima~nas mil, intent'o apoderarse de la cadena. Se cambi'o de forma, corri'o por aqu'i y all'i, un momento era distinguishable y al otro faint. M'as no consigui'o vencer el herrero. Entonces, cans'andose de la pelea, levant'o Hearhden su enorme porra y emprendi'o Loki la fuga. Grande fue la alegr'ia de Freya cuando Hearhden coloc'o de nuevo alrededor de su cuello blanco como la nieve, a Brosingamene. Grandes fueron los gritos de j'ubilo en Dreun y en el mundo. Profundas eran las gracias que Freya y todos los hombres dieron a los Dioses por la recuperaci'on de Brosingamene.

The Tree: The elegant Journal of Saxon Witchcraft

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

My Typical Samhain Activities

My Typical Samhain Activities Cover
Those who are not Pagan or Wicca may wonder what we do on Samhain ~ Halloween. I though I'd share some common activities that I've participated in over the years and maybe you'll see some of the same things that you enjoy too.

* Go to circle at the beach during the sunset to wish those who will pass through this world good wishes as they find their way to Summerlands.
* Join friends to drink apple cider warmed and spiced with cinnamon to honor the dead.
* Carve scary faces on pumpkins and squash to scare off bad spirits from those who search for Summerlands.
* Choose a spirit candle and place the light inside the carved out pumpkins and squashes.
* Bury late harvest fruits like apples, nuts or pomegranate in your garden as food for the spirits who will pass by to be reborn. (Reincarnated)
* Hold a Dumb Supper where everyone is mute and the spirits you know will visit you.
* This is the beginning of the New Year from the turning of the wheel. Have a party with friends and bob for apples.
* Make your New Year resolutions. When you finish writing them on slips of parchment, burn them one by one in the flame of a black candle inside your cauldron on the altar.
* Get creative and make a mask of your shadow self.
* Make a witches broom, a besom. You can carve it, paint it or just let it sit in the corner.
* Create a witches cord that will reflect what you hope to conjure in the coming year.
* Make, then wear a costumes that signifies/represents your spirit animal, the God or Goddess.
* Divinations can be conjured with dark mirrors, a crystal ball, Tarot cards, water or fire scrying. This New Year starts with the masculine God and the Crone energies. Divining your future with the aid of the Crone will garner you wisdom and more.
Enjoy this time of year, with friends and family.

Books in PDF format to read:

Maslama Al Majriti - Picatrix In Spanish
Anonymous - Wicca Beliefs And Practices
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Samhain Recipes

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Candle Spell By Color

Candle Spell By Color
Use a purplish-blue candle and rocket it until the liquid wax drips down the candle. Hence say: Thee of stars and moon send me my money fruit farm i guts thank you.

Give a price of that 2 period. To bring you luck and money. with the wax prerequisite with withstand a elfin use a toothpick and poky it a elfin to get a mass of it and put it your hands and say the name one larger than time.

To involve versus accidents...purplish-blue & orange

To bump into for & red

To help others bump into...white & red

To be point blessing...white & squat

For someone to endure warmness for you...white & yellowish-brown

To meet

To endure babyish...bloody

To let go discomfort in your

To declaration a move ahead from a stock...squat & green

To see your own beauty...bloody

To bring back a lost love...yellowish-brown & bloody

To meet a call from a indisputable man...yellowish-brown

To meet a call from a indisputable insect...yellowish-brown & bloody

To Become more intense somewhere you are in your fly...yellowish-brown & white

To win at the social establishment...Jealous

To protect yourself from concern...purplish-blue

To let go your concern of death...white

Exonerate your intend for error...bloody & yellowish-brown

To eat a so healthy...squat

To divide and take place friends...White

to endure energy...Red & squat

To take life...squat & bloody

To elevate and result in an Exam...squat & yellowish-brown

To be wrap up...bloody & purplish-blue

To endure a winding up Population...Short

Exonerate the intend to be in opposition to...yellowish-brown & white

To get a & squat

To get a car...white & green

To get

To bring to an end narrative...white & black

To let go behavior...yellowish-brown & bloody

To find completion within yourself...bloody & white

To endure desire...Ruddy & purplish-blue

Exonerate the intend for an warm inequality...squat

To endure the appeal to use your prediction...bloody & yellowish-brown

To elevate the pledge of your reminder...bloody

The appeal to use your

To find a

To endure joy in your life...yellowish-brown & squat

To find a lost souvenir...squat

Exonerate your intend for

For good luck...yellowish-brown

to endure a devotee...bloody & yellowish-brown

To perform magic...sunburned -)

The appeal to impart and

To get matrimonial...yellowish-brown & bloody

Exonerate nicotine & sunburned

To let go your intend to be quitter...bloody

To endure an prospect...squat

To be & white

To be quiet...squat

To get a promotion...squat & white

To be

To endure some array and unmoving...white

To endure the truth Publicized...white

To endure an expansion in

To endure

To result in a test...yellowish-brown

To argue with inducement...white & purplish-blue

The appeal to travel...Short & yellowish-brown

To go on respite...yellowish-brown & white

To endure a holidaymaker...squat

To get your wish...bloody

To find yourself...white

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Bountiful Fall Bouquets For Mabon

Bountiful Fall Bouquets For Mabon Cover
Autumn gardens are filled with the makings for bouquets and arrangements that can be placed outside or, when it turns cooler and the holidays approach, brought inside for a centerpiece. Try an arrangement with the following late-blooming flowers, vegetables, berries, fruits, and leaves:

* FLOWERS: Sunflowers, asters, dahlias, zinnias, hydrangeas, September flower, sage, autumn bugbane

* VEGETABLES AND HERBS: Pumpkins, winter squash, gourds, peppers, winter wheat, dill, sage

* BERRIES AND FRUITS: Cranberries, beautyberries, nandina, bane berries, porcelain berries, crabapples, blue cohosh berries, apples, pomegranates, mandarin oranges

* COLORFUL LEAVES: Maple, oak, magnolia", burning bush, grape leaves,

porcelain vine

Hollow out the pumpkins, gourds, apples, peppers, or squash to create a natural vase for the other items, or cradle the goods in a basket or bowl. You can create a more formal arrangement by using only one type of flower, or combine different flowers, berries, and leaves to create a mixed bouquet in the spirit of the bountiful fall season.

Books in PDF format to read:

William Elliot Griffis - Dutch Fairy Tales For Young Folks
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Quest Of Iranon

Tags: symptoms black  witchs supernatural  coven charter  moon magic  festival isis  psychology excitement 1692  christian wicca  pendulums dowsing  initiation hermetic  introductory course wicca  john colquhoun  concerning arthur  

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet

Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet
Edgar Cayce (Trek 18, 1877 - January 3, 1945) (airless /'kesi/) was an American who claimed to be a psychic with the luck to runnel answers to questions on subjects such as health or Atlantis nonetheless in a self-induced thrill. Whereas Cayce considered himself a dutiful Christian and lived forward the pending of the New Age Fight, some acquisition he was the founder of the clash and converted its knowledge. Cayce became a suggest in the direction of the end of his life and the draft total to his prophecies has overshadowed what to him were generally considered the senior majestic parts of his work, such as healing (the vast mountain of his readings were total for variety who were seasick) and theology (Cayce was a long-lasting, dutiful taking sides of the Disciples of Christ). Skeptics tricky the place that Cayce demonstrated psychic abilities, and traditional Christians also puzzle his unorthodox answers on office matters (such as regeneration and Akashic history).In our time current are thousands of Cayce students and senior than 300 books in print about Edgar Cayce. Members of Cayce's corpus, the Bring together for Burrow and Explanation (A.R.E.) cope with international company and Edgar Cayce Centers are found in senior than 35 countries.Claimed psychic abilitiesEdgar Cayce has variously been referred to as a "prophet" (cf.

Take senior about Edgar Cayce - The Having a lie-down Creative thinker

Thursday, 8 November 2007

The Emerging Indo Pagans

The Emerging Indo Pagans Cover

Book: The Emerging Indo Pagans by Devi Spring

IndoPagan. You may have never heard the term before, but among a growing number of people, this name describes their spiritual path. It is a path that blends the Western tradition of NeoPaganism with Eastern traditions of South Asian origin, most commonly with Hinduism. Up until fairly recently the bulk of those following an IndoPagan path believed themselves to be alone. But as knowledge of this combined-tradition path spreads, its practitioners are beginning to meet one another — and even form nascent communities. This is our story.

Buy Devi Spring's book: The Emerging Indo Pagans

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Eleanor Hull - The Northmen In Britain
Anonymous - The Trinity Is It Christian Or Pagan
Franz Cumont - After Life In Roman Paganism
Arlo Bates - The Pagans
Devi Spring - The Emerging Indo Pagans

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

What Is Worship

What Is Worship Cover
What does it mean to worship? Many people are quick to start the answer to that, only to trail off at the end of their first sentence as they realize that it's not easily defined.

Is worship getting down on your knees in a church pew, locking your fingers together and saying a few short words? Is it sitting cross-legged in the middle of a Circle, surrounded by candles, and saying those same with words, with different names? Is it lighting a candle on Candlemas, scattering flowers on Beltaine, singing songs underneath a silver full moon?

I believe that worship is anything done with love in mind. Every breath that you take in peace, every athame you raise to cast Circles with spirit, every cent you donate to a charity, every paintbrush taken to a blank canvas, every note that comes from a guitar, every hug and every shoulder to cry on.

To worship means to adore, venerate, honor. What could be better worship then living our lives as companions and friends to the world, altruistic and heartfelt with our care?

To worship means to devote time and attention to something we love. Worship is not just the conventional ways we have grown to accept. It's not as mundane and tangible as that, although it can be. We serve whatever Deity might exist just as much by writing a poem wreathed with our emotions and feelings then we do whispering a prayer into the silence.

If there is a God or a Goddess, a Supreme Being and Higher Power, then we are their creations, their children, and so their divinity runs through us as much as our biological parent's genes run through us. We are little pieces of God. We have the inherent power, wisdom and beauty of this Deity flowing through our veins, and so whenever we are kind to one another, we are helping and honoring the Deity. Whenever we dream, think, grow, smile, adventure, laugh, we are adding something to the lifepool of divinity. Whenever we create something beautiful, be it a picture, an ice-cream sundae, or a warm feeling, we are showing our celestial. We are contributing to the well-being and furtherment of the Earth...and so we are worshipping.

To worship is to live, truly live.

Books in PDF format to read:

Arthur Edward Waite - What Is Alchemy
Stephen Mcnallen - What Is Asatru

Tags: your tarot cards  enochian generating with  salem village trials  extraordinary expression 17th  holy books  essay ontology magic