William Gather together Cooper Unfamiliar Series Brodacast. At the outset Aired Dignified 22, 1997. He starts out by discourse about, 1000 points of light and Lucifer - the clean and The sunup star. He answers the topic, what does the illuminati (mystery schools) have a meal to do with what is indoors in the world today. The the upper crust in these mystery schools stalk the religion of the life. They have a meal a feeling to controversial an outer walls jeopardy to this earth (thrill they did to the US with Saddam Husein & Osama Bin Well-off, a reproduction outer walls jeopardy that was through to be thought was real), a adequate race from recent planet. This stimulus be recycled to get rid of all nation states and religion to form a one world shape. Nasa is one of the head instruments of this posing. Moreover, the Vatican is bearing in mind this and thickly convoluted. Apollo space appoint is a excerpt to the ancient god, Apollo. Apollo space appoint apparatus carries symbolism of Apollo the sun (aka osiris)(isis the moon), constellation of orion, in the mean, the 3 pyramids in egypt, and they earth represents the full corpse of initiates acknowledged as horus. Nasa's photos have a meal been notorious to be faked, so none of them can ever be trusted. John Dewey held that someone told him that the best way to end all wars unendingly and sticky all patronage on this earth in a world shape would be if we were attacked by some other character from some other planet. He held this in 1917. It was veteran in 1938 with Orsen Wells Infrastructure appoint to see if the upper crust would postulate this...