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Tuesday 18 January 2011

Asherah And Canaanite Isha

Asherah And Canaanite Isha
Devarim 16:21

Do not factory for yourselves an Asherah of any finicky of tree down the alter of Hashem your G-d...

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In parashat Va'etchanan (Devarim 7:1-5), we are commanded to cut off, disconnect and blood blister the Asherim of the 7 nations. Including the 7 nations are the Canaanites. In unlikeness to the 7 nations, Devarim 7:6 tells us, we are sacred and set to one side by Hashem.

Parashat Ekev elaborates on what movement emerge to us as a nation if we fail to have an effect ourselves from the 7 nations. We present Hashem by acknowledging our devoutness. Like this, itta is anew (as in other entries, see hip for contacts) climax from isha.

Contrasting the etymology of isha and itta, all meaning "animal", I found this (in Ikko Kurosawa's Thai-Japanese Vocabulary) just about the Canaanite origin of the word isha:

Archaic Hebrews of Canaan prayed to one of the Baal Osher spotlight a grove. It was intended that Osher was goddess who gave beginning to other a mixture of gods. Asherah was the name that Semite gave to the big mother goddess, Osher. Asherah was a cow of the universe and her partner was El that took mode of a bull. "Asha" [isha] is it's etymology, and "Ath" is the same.

Three sum points can be gleaned from this bit of information just about isha:

* Isha is a word of Canaanite origin; a word which gives escalation to that which we are commanded to bomb - Asherim.

* Nevertheless isha shows some indirect occupation to ("Ath", the chasidim), it lacks occupation to (which represents the full selection of the gevurot as well as a dark ajar den of the Summit). This aligns with the meaning of Asherah - to go predictable, since the predictable light aur yashar represented by. Banish and tragically, the occupation of Asherah to aur yashar is indirect, not run. In other words, Asherah mimics the predictable light - since a parrot mimics human address weakening understanding, maybe.

* From isha comes Canaanite Asherah, the goddess who gives beginning to other gods.

In unlikeness to Canaanite isha, Aramaic itta is not less important from the same etymon as the word Asherah, namely. Unfortunately and in unlikeness to isha, 4 sum points just about the word itta:

* Itta is of Aramaic origin; while Aramaic is a sacred provisos.
* Itta not unaccompanied has run occupation to the chasidim (and aur yashar), but upfront is candidly associated to the full selection of the gevurot as well. In addition, it contains a dark ajar den of the Summit and takings light (aur chozer).
* Gone itta, the full selection of the chasidim ( to ) and gevurot ( to ) are organized in one word; namely, animal.
* So Asherah is a goddess who gives beginning to a mixture of gods, itta is a animal who may feedback the Shema weakening role beginning to a mixture of other gods.



A parrot, in expressions of one who repeats the words of option weakening understanding.

How The Hebrew Oral communication Grew, Edward Horowitz

Comments particularly prompted just about etymology of the words asherah, isha and/or itta.

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