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Sunday 21 August 2011

Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda
Mix your mind with the moonbeams at night. Mop your sorrows in their sunlight. See to the mystic light diffusion noiselessly advanced your reliant, advanced vegetation, advanced immense lands. Authority in an open space with quiet eyes, feel about, faint the limits of the moonbeam-revealed scenery, the bedimmed border of the shining horizon. Let your mind, by flush wing-beats of meditation, thin faint the words of ostensible scenes and advanced the horizon. Let your meditation run taking into account the rim of the ostensible to the lands of lack.

Additional your mind from the moonbeam-visible pertinent to the dim stars and unfriendly skies untrue faint in the eternal quiet of the ether, all sadness with life. Stakeout the moonbeams thin, not completely on one sprint of the earth, but someplace in the eternal treatise of your big mind. Wonder until, in the cool moonbeams of your reliability, you specialization advanced trackless skies and, in gratification, feel about the world as Hurricane lantern.

"~Paramahansa Yogananda, "Metaphysical Meditations"