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Sunday 16 August 2009

Ethical Use Of Psychic Power

Ethical Use Of Psychic Power Cover Psychic power exists. One of its most common usages is in healing. We Frosts believe that in most cases the body heals itself, but that psychic power somehow affects the mind, which controls such things as the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the adrenals to cure the body.

In new-age, Wiccan, and pagan discussion groups, you will often hear discussions on the ethics of healing. "They need the disease they have to complete their learning cycle on this plane of existence, and if you cure them they'll have to come back and do it again." We don't look at it that way. We think you should do everything you possibly can to help your fellow human being, animals, and plants. If someone does have a repulsive disease and you cure it and they immediately get another equally loathsome disease, then you know that you are curing the symptom and not the cause of the disease; you know you must delve further into helping them readjust. Illness can be a very effective manipulative device; what is the patient manipulating, and why?

If you saw someone slip on an icy sidewalk, fall down, and break their leg, would you call for help, or would you leave them lying there? Of course there is the current non-involvement fad to overcome, but we believe that most people would get help.

If you had an extra hamburger and a panhandler asked you for it, would you give it to him? We hope your answer is "Yes."

Almost everything you do interferes with the life of other people. You spend money on something, someone makes a little profit, someone gets some pay; people's lives are affected. You squash the mosquito, it doesn't suck someone else's blood; it doesn't pass on a disease.

The drowning child can't ask for help, but you give it. You bring her back to life. So why wait to attempt a healing on someone to get their request? That person may be a very nice and positive Christian person who would never dream of asking for a psychic healing. (Never MIND what What's-his-name did on the shore of the Sea of Galilee!) So why not do a quite anonymous psychic healing? This is far better and far less dangerous to your karma than if you go in and say, "I can heal that".

Personally, I think that many self-styled psychic healers are so unsure oftheir craft that they will use any pretext not to try healing. When the drowning child is pulled from the lake, she cannot ask that you do CPR. (By the way, any professed healer who doesn't know how to do CPR is in my opinion not worth doodoo.)

If you live and breathe in this world, you are part of it. When you think about doing a healing, think about it in simplistic terms, not in terms of long-range karmic debt and spiritual growth. The more you practice healing, the more adept you will become at it and the more light you will bring into the world.

I know that for many of you these words go against your Principles. I will leave you with the thought that when Jerry Falwell refused to heal at agigantic meeting in Argentina, they ran him out of town.

At one of the great campout conventions recently, a child stepped on a piece of glass but told no one. The wound became infected. one of the healers attending took her to her tent, and piled crystals on the injury. When I saw the foot, there were those telltale thin red lines running up the leg. I rushed her to the local emergency room. They managed to save her foot and probably her life. If you're not sure--absolutely positive--of what you are doing, don't offer to help. If you want to help, do it anonymously. Nobody'skarma will be involved. If you want to be a healer, put your money where your mouth is. High on your priority list put an EMT course or a nursing course.

As usual, we invite your comments. We are not trying to offend anyone or scorn
Their Tradition, so please be constructive. Our hope is that we all may arrive
at a shared Understanding of what we are doing. If you know a better way and
the reasons behind it, please share that better way with the community.

Blessed be.

Downloadable books (free):

Michael Harrison - The Roots Of Witchcraft
Sri Swami Sivananda - Thought Power
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Case Of Charles Dexter Ward
Paul Foster Case - The Life Power
Richard Alan Miller - The Magical And Ritual Use Of Herbs