On the wiccan cache, Lughnasadh is come close to and as we don't regard our altar set up at my in-laws', such as we're sleeping in one single room, the three of us, and there's no space affable to it, I staid tha ton the day I'll go to this miniature path wherever I thesis walk with Lucas, and lit a candle, go fast an incense and tap everything to the gods, ina miniature celebration:It stimulus be musical perfectly, and conceivably we can make a bump doll and cook a currency in honour of the day. I desirable can't call to regard my altar at our homewards and turn it dressed in a magickal space. I do miss playing with this cache of my life, but by now I can't focus genuinely.Footing Monday we enrolled Lucas at the finale subject school! He dear the place, full of plants and with outstanding space than his old school. I'm neurotic for the agree with week, time was the classes start, to see how he'll move back to the new college and friends. Advance it's a bit up-to-the-minute in the rural universe comparing to a big borough, so I'm a miniature touchy about it. Let's see how stow work!Here are the last photos of the nature. The covering is starting to be installed with eucaliptus kindling as a skeleton to the shingles, a urbane phase to me, full of arithmetic and charge. It stimulus get away with almost one or two weeks to be done. After that the ramparts stimulus be inside with a gooey bombard of "staff" so it can be highlighted in the color we are composed deciding. After that agree with move stimulus be the installing the self tiling and stuff. Of course, my nails are gone decades ago, so neurotic I am! LOLTaken from the top of the miniature rise downward the homewards, you see my in-law measuring the eucaliptus kindling for the roof:And Rodrigo concerning our kitchen-to-be:Lucas getting better his ice climbing skills and bringing me some white hair...:I wish everyone a fat week!
Origin: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com