This collection reflects Sibley`s teachings on the practical use of celestial influences and harmonies. The Clavis contains clear and systematic instructions for constructing magical tools and pentacles for many practical purposes. The Mysterious Ring gives directions for preparing magic rings. Experiments of the Spirits Birto, Vassago, Agares, and Bealpharos, show how to call upon angels and spirits, and perform crystal scrying. The Wheel of Wisdom gives concise directions for using celestial harmonies. The final text, the Complete Book of Magic Science, is closely akin to the Secret Grimoire of Turiel, but more complete.
The Manuscript reproduced here is the most accurate and complete known, very beautifully and carefully written. With extraordinary hand-colored seals and colored handwritten text, with the only exception being the elimination of blank page, resulting in a 282 page, color copy of the original, marvelous text.
Books in PDF format to read:
Samael Aun Weor - Magic RunesJohn Yarker - Arcane Schools
Kenneth Grant - Magical Revival
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