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Thursday 10 April 2008

Magic Grounding Or Connecting

Magic Grounding Or Connecting Cover I believe that everyone should build his or her own version of grounding and connecting. Given this, the reader may draw on any of the following descriptions, suggestions, and ideas. It is important to realize that you can connect with both Earth and the Universe so your energy is not limited.


In my opinion Grounding is a physical connection with the Earth although visualization is a part of the connection. It could be just my feet or my preferred position of sitting on the ground with my hands on the earth or floor.

The energy builds from all over my body, centers at my stomach, and dispels through my hands, feet, bum -- whatever part of my body that is touching the ground.

I receive energy in much the same way, except once it collects in my stomach, it gently disperses through my entire body.

This is a little long as I use built in protections and lots of guidance suggestions.

We are all continually connected to Earth and Universe.

Running from the top of our heads, along the spine and straight through our feet is our grounding cord. It is as wide as our stance, as wide as we need it to be. From our feet, it drops straight down to the center of the Earth. From the crown of our head, it goes right out into the center of the Universe.

In the center of our being we have a ball of green and gold energy, this ball revolves and sparkles with light. I drop my ball gently down my cord to Mother Earth, she catches it, smiles lovingly, disperses the energy, cleans it, and sends me a stream of clean, bright, green energy back to the center of my core. Into my crown streams gold energy from the Universe.

We continually receive as much energy as we need. The energy streams revolve into a shining ball at the center of the core, which feeds our entire being with clean, bright energy in the mixtures of colour that we need at that moment. The energy that we use and the energy we find in our being that comes from others are all returned through our cord to Earth to be cleaned, recycled, and replaced for us.

With this energy you maintain a field around you that defines your space and protects you from unwanted invasive energy from other beings. You can make this space as large as you need it to be. For example, driving in your car it is the size of your car; in a room crowded with other people it is the size of your own personal space. Your sphere is a large ball of light around you, all this energy and space is yours.

*~Earth Shadow~*
I sit Indian style, preferably with my back against something. I imagine that there is a tube that comes down my spine and out of my tailbone. This tube carries any energy I decide to put in it down into the core of the Earth. I ground negativity and I see the dark ball go down the tube and splash into the molten lava in the core. I watch it burn until it is golden bright light. Then I send it back up the tube and *great rush of pure energy* is returned to me. :)

I go on "auto-pilot" when I Connect. I am conscious of it but I don't plan anything. If I'm casting a spell, the words just come to me. If I'm focusing on the candle, I almost feel like I am inside of the flame and that everything around me has just melted together, that's when it's an intense connection. Sometimes when I am conversing with the Divine, my third eye tingles and I can feel my energy funneling from there. When I am doing readings, everything else gets zoned out and I can feel the information flowing through me and into the cards.

I keep a bowl of fine sea salt and rub my fingers through it when things get hectic through the day and I am feeling overwhelmed. As I do this, I can feel the negative feelings disappear and I feel renewed.

At night, I lie on my back and visualize a big ball growing with love and energy of pure white light filled with love from the Deities floating over top of me. I see a beam of light coming down from it and entering through my tummy. I hold the light and energy until I can see myself radiating with light. Then I see it going out through my heels into the ground, taking all the ugly stuff with it, leaving me filled with love and peace.

I might be a bit odd, but I know I'm Connecting because I get a strange tingling sensation from the base of my skull down my spine to a point about even with the bottom edge of my shoulder blades, then my palms start to tingle. If I chant it intensifies the sensation. To release or ground, I place both palms face down on the ground or the floor and let the energy flow out into the Earth.

I usually dance when I need to ground.... I pick a song and flow with it, allowing the "used" energy to flow out of my body and back into the World for renewal.

When I Connect, I close my eyes and focus on a beam of light entering me through my left hand. If I'm Connecting for a spell, the light is either blue or white (since I focus on healing). When I'm meditating, the light is whatever colour pops into my head first. I've noticed that those colours, in my mind, represent certain feelings. i.e.; red-irritated, blue/black- melancholic, green-peaceful. And almost every time I meditate, I ground afterwards.

Sera Dragonfire
To ground, I simply dissolve salt on the tip of my tongue and visualize the excess energy dissolving away with the salt and returning to the Lord and Lady to be recycled.

Suggested ebooks:

Samael Aun Weor - Magic Runes
Sandra Ingerman - Shamanic Journeying A Beginner Guide