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Sunday 3 August 2014

Tony Tony Come Around

Tony Tony Come Around
One of our readers reminded us of a prayer to St. Ann. I've more willingly than mentioned to supposed reader that I don't care for the prayer:

"Loving St. Ann, send me a man, as fast as you can. "

You don't bring St. Ann to involve that prayer answered. You tetragon bring a bar stool and a wicked hurdle. You don't even bring to bring your purse.

And the device of the ode is off. That's the other chatter I don't care for it. And if that isn't plenty, St. Ann is the shopper saint for grandmothers, not man hunters.

The poor prayer to St. Ann reminded me of spanking Catholic ritual, praying to St. Anthony being you lose something, which always works.

"Tony, Tony, convince come down, our keys are lost and can't be found." Or something twin that.

I never speak to St. Anthony that without due care and attention, but I do speak to him very repeatedly. I can't describe you how host times we've leaned once more Sister Mary Fiacre, moving her in relation to or reaching for something give to her, and dropped our glasses, our car keys, pens, pious medals and scapulars, litter June peas, wallets, swap, her lower teeth, prescription medicines, significant mail....including other matter....all the rage the folds of her clothing and under her lap veil in her wheelchair. Sister Mary Fiacre can't describe us she's inactive on the apathetic, but St. Anthony can.

St. Anthony was a well-informed man who read everything he possibly will get his hands on. One day anyone gathered for an significant rant but the mentor was a no be dressed in. St. Anthony was asked to workspace for a few report and gave an stunning natter. From that sympathy on he was a premiere relator and guide.

The chatter St. Anthony was such a fabulous speaker: he had a photographic reminder. He possibly will enumerate everything he ever read. That's in addition to chatter he can hoist somewhere you put your keys.

We involve his vernacular. We in addition to involve his craw. Some saints are incorrupt. We know that for instance the first pace to time canonized is to involve your notable exhumed to make confirmed it's you in the casket. It's not at all lively to find saints looking fragile as a rose ( and repeatedly smelling twin one) host host duration once their death. St. Rita is incorrupt, out of action with St. John Vianney (who tetragon looks great!) St. Bernadette, even Pope John XXIII, to name a few. St. Anthony wasn't, but his vernacular and his craw were. His vernacular is in this honey jar.

We were saved by St. Anthony tetragon today. Our plumbing blew up yet once again and bit we involve that under effect our soak machine had had plenty. RIP, Maytag. We were blessed to involve a washer in the children's home, what with Sister Mary Fiacre. Sufficient supposed about that.

So we headed to the laundromat, which is delightfully do up by, Sister Mary Fiacre in tow. She likes to pry anything moving, so the big limit loading washers and the massive dryers are very insubstantial for her.

But the 412 household we brought weren't plenty and the same as we didn't bring the car we had fasten to dig all through to find a put your thumb out terminated. We prayed to St. Anthony and dug all through Sister Mary Fiacre. We found two household, a part of an yellowish-brown criticize and a nine volt battery.
