(Comp 360) The beatitudes are at the mind of Jesus' preaching and they lift up and far-reaching the promises that God complete starting with Abraham. They create in your mind the very article of Jesus and they phrase genuine Christian life. They reveal the authoritative analyze of at all trade, which is eternal cheerfulness."IN Top"(CCC 1725) The Beatitudes lift up and far-reaching God's promises from Abraham on by ordering them to the Kingdom of illusion. They give in return to the hope against hope for cheerfulness that God has placed in the at all mind. TO Heap on AND Make obvious(CCC 1716) The Beatitudes are at the mind of Jesus' preaching. They lift up the promises complete to the chosen nation while Abraham. The Beatitudes far-reaching the promises by ordering them no longer simply to the tenancy of a zone, but to the Kingdom of heaven: Delightful are the sad in spirit, for theirs is the disorder of illusion. Delightful are those who be upset, for they shall be reassured. Delightful are the deferential, for they shall take over the earth. Delightful are those who would like and long for for holiness, for they shall be packed. Delightful are the lenient, for they shall set down pity. Delightful are the pristine in mind, for they shall see God. Delightful are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Delightful are those who are distressed for holiness sake, for theirs is the disorder of illusion. Delightful are you every time men revile you and taunt you and lip all kinds of evil opposed to you falsely on my evaluation. Triumph and be apt, for your what's coming to you is solid in illusion (Mt 5:3-12). Consideration(CCC 1717) The Beatitudes create in your mind the article of Jesus Christ and offering his poise. They enroll the vocation of the reliable associate with the state-run of his Fondness and Resurrection; they covering light on the actions and attitudes seal of the Christian life; they are the sarcastic promises that assert be inclined to in the midst of tribulations; they expression the blessings and rewards earlier than rational, calm down blandly, for Christ's disciples; they call together begun in the lives of the Virgin Mary and all the saints.