Our ritual was simple, as fixed, but full of good environment. Concluding Yule we started a new tradition of adding together the names of contacts, friends and their own contacts and friends to the depressed witch's cauldron, for a healing and protection spell. I posted a stroke at my Facebook wall, anywhere community who at home to add their names can state. Superior that nightfall, I wrote down each name with purple pen on a blanket of paper, thus cut them separately. The depressed witch evasively folded each one, and positioned them all in his cauldron, glaze them with violet buds and aromatic plant, pioneer a bit of his healing potion:
We focused on the accurate intentions at the same time as opening the circle. The inspire were, as still, a seventh heaven apart, frantically dancing as we prayed and thanked the Divinity and the God for our time, asking Brigid to protect and heal community in hankering.
We had cornbread and orangey fuel as part of the ritual, and we stopped the circle with a lighter sample. Lucas feels so at home with our rituals that he knows right and proper what to say and to do, on his own isolation way.
In Majestic 31st, we'll include another Downright Moon - the storeroom Dwindling Moon until 2015 -, and once again I'll post a stroke at my Facebook wall, close my friends to add their names to the cauldron, so if you be keen on to be part of our ritual, rest tuned. :o)