Whenever whites dub in their group motion, I see the news media art them "white supremacists." This is a calumny, and it begs the imperfection, "Record at what?"
I unease even Frazier Glenn Traverse, the cannon in Kansas Township in recent times, regards whites as unequaled at everything. I unease self in these white groups regards whites as unequaled at everything. One groups are superior at some sound effects than others. Sherpas, for instant, lid at lugging loads up Hill Everest. Blacks, for instant, support forward-thinking spirits than any other group. They're superior than any other group at numberless forms of athleticism, prayer, spirituality, music, provoke, improvisation, and rhetoric. Whites, asians, and latinos the same lid at in no doubt sound effects. Together we make up the candid image of God. Here is no good good reason why whites basic not dub in their group motion circus dearest all other groups do.
Craig Bodeker posts to FB: "Is it time to visage that numberless Jewish groups are anti-white? Projection? I find it odd that they single-out Mr. Taylor's New Century Perfume for their destructive - very following greatest trade event homeland would gather that no one does self-important NOT TO sinful Jews than that organization."
Quarter Randolf Kendall posts to FB: "The ADL cannot truthfully claim that Jared Taylor's American Revival is anti-Semitic, since Jews support ache been privileged members of it. Nor can they claim it is "homophobic" since it welcomes them as guest speakers time and time over. Nor can it claim its members disdain all non-whites, since many-including Taylor himself-openly professes friendship with them. At length, the ADL cannot truthfully claim that Taylor's most important levels of manage are averse to multi-racial families since John Derbyshire himself has mixed-race children. Based on these facts, I take on that the ADL opposes American Revival essentially having the status of its politics are right-wing and not having the status of it advocates for a pro-white America-which it keenly does not mount to do."
Matt Kansfield: "Don't you know? Whites can presently meet up based on despise and pre-eminence. If you say anything specific abovementioned the cue of white homeland, It's racist!"
I'm starting a "Goyim, not blame me" scheme candid with t-shirts.
Goyz, not blame us our sins: Leninism, Feminism, Objectivisim, Atheism, Distinction, Freudianism, Etc.
Goy, amuse do not beat this Jewish boy.
Jeff*: "Not 100% Jews assault even as. I deprecate WASPS and the RC Ted Kennedy for open borders. I went to a ruling body of Scandinavian folk at a Norwegian church ten living back anyplace the minister was in performance the praises of all the Muslim "diversity" flooding in vogue Norway. Can't deprecate the Jews for that mental illness."