Souvenir shops in the lovely town of Lake City are crammed with Al Packer momentos and post cards such as this one showing the massacre site.
Here's my own photo of the memorials plaque.
And backed up a bit to show some of the surrounding territory.
And here's Lake San Cristobal. I slept at the lodge there, once.
Here's a couple of pics of an Al Packer wax exhibit in Denver. I kind of doubt it's still around since I haven't seen any recent images.
This seems to be from the Denver Courthouse but I don't really know. The following are from an old souvenir booklet I bought as a kid, followed by a couple of movie trailers for fun:
Cannibal: The Musical. And though Ravenous was probably inspired as much by Indian legend as Al Packer, Robert Carlyle's character is clearly modeled after Packer. There is quite a lot of information about Al Packer (and what became of him) online, as well as images, songs, recipes and what have you. Here's the Wiki just to get you started on the whole fascinating story.
Tags: wiccan history wiccan rituals wicca spells and chants the book of white magic powerful white magic spells wiccan spells rituals spiral candles candle magic wax crystals