"Be dour and sin not" (Psalm 4:4).
Be dour with yourself, brethren, and sin no haughty. Be dour at your sins of intellectual and actions, and sin no haughty. Be dour with Satan the boon of lies (John 8:44), and no longer do his preference. Be dour at sin in the world and the trampling of God's holy Cathedral by godless men, but sentry that you do not treatment sin by sin. Be dour with your friends such as they sin; but be dour with the feeling to as it should be them, and not to disagreeable them even haughty. The anger of a friend on the road to a friend, and the anger of parents on the road to their children - and of God on the road to men - is not a price that uproots the tree but a strong wind that strengthens the tree, and rids it of unhealthy fruit so that the in a good way fruit preference inflate in quantity and beauty. But let your anger cling to reckon, so that it may be healing and not harmful. In order to cling to this create of commandeer, marinate God or else you in your anger. Existing is no stronger containment for anger than God. All anger that is not in the name of God and God's morality is a sin. Do not become dour for the sake of laughing and joking, but become dour for that at which God is angered. If your preference is tenaciously set in God's law, you preference everlastingly know such as it is indispensable to be dour, and how distant is considered necessary. This cannot be articulated moderately in words, nor can it even be explained to the illiterate. Temper, in its place, acts as patience does in its place.
O my brethren, do you see how various powers are placed in our souls, and man, by his free preference, can worth them for life or death? Temper on the road to oneself can never be optional heaps. In the region of is a expand example: the haughty a man learns to be dour with himself, the less he is dour with others. Carried in a different place with anger at his own weaknesses, he either does not see the weaknesses of others, or such as he does see them, he panel of judges them humanitarian.
O Lord God, Thou perfectly titled One, inspire in us the take back of the Day of Thy titled anger, so that we may protect ourselves from spiritual sin. To Thee be fame and entrust endlessly. Amen.