On or after Samhain is in October, what outdistance time is introduce to preside Hekate, the Sovereign of the Witches? The Greek goddess Hekate is so ancient that She existed yearning into the future the Olympian deities. Crone goddess of the crossroads, Hekate led the abducted maiden goddess Persephone back from the Criminal world by torchlight to the waiting arms of the mother goddess Demeter. In the support Christian era, Hekate's name was interrelated with magic and the occult. She subsequently became characterized as the Sovereign of the Witches.
To honour Hekate at our October Rant Corporation, we wore our superlative witches hats having the status of mere talk and singing part. Here's some of the women showing off their miscellaneous styles of done in chapeaux! And see the miniature statue of Hekate sitting on a measly djembe tub, peeking out of the normal of the Circle?
Various of the participants at that evening's Corporation consented to ceremony for a photo especially for my blog. Thanks, all you headstrong and sweet women! It was a fun gathering!
"[The photo of Hekate comes from Blessed Anyway website, someplace I purchased my statue various years ago.]"